Juhu, Montage sind schön. 😉
Die neue Challenge Aufgabe von “I am the Diva” ist da. Streifen sind es diesmal. Zugegeben, erst wusste ich nichts weiter damit anzufangen, als schön in einer Reihe von links nach rechts verschiedene Muster zu zeichnen. Nicht, dass das nicht auch schön aussehen kann, aber ich wollte irgendwie etwas anderes. Also habe ich den Stift erst mal beiseite gelegt und die kleinen grauen Zellen arbeiten lassen. Das hier ist dabei heraus gekommen.
Mondays are great 😉 The new Challenge task of “I am the Diva” is there. Stripes at this time. Granted, the first time I knew nothing further to do with it, to draw as beautiful in a row from left to right different patterns. Not that it can‚t look nice, but I wanted something else. So I laid the pen aside and just let the little gray cells working. This one came out of it.

Diva Challenge 182 – Streifen
Vielen Dank an alle für die netten Kommentare auf die letzte Challenge
Thanks to everyone for the nice comments on the last Challenge
Very nice effect. I like how you crerated multi-part stripes, and your artwork inside them. Very nice and clean shading which also adds to the drawing.
Beautiful tile! Love your choose of tangles. Well done 🙂
I love this!
Nice job. Like the shading around each section. Nice array of tangles.
Great choice of tangles, love how you’ve used some that are not obvious stripes. Very subtle shading is effective too. Linda x
Einfach wunderschön! Mir gefällt deine Idee sehr. Sehr harmonische Auswahl der Muster, toll gezeichnet und schattiert!
Very good! Especially love your wrapped BB
This is beautifully done, great choice of tangles and I love the way each stripe lays on the page with just the right amount of shading.
You’re the first person whose interpretation I’ve seen who had the vision of seeing the stripes as separated and discrete. A nice change.
Really great how you left the white spaces between. I especially like your stack of books!
I like the spaces between the stripes, it makes a lovely tile.
Wow – great tile! I love the way you spaced everything, too. Nice!
Be happy,
I love this! That terrific aquafleur over a card and the twining ribbon around the middle…all of the patterns are interesting and the whole thing is fun to look at for sure.
love your use of white space and different tangles in each stripe. nicely done