Diva Challenge 181- Thema: Wasser

Diva Challenge #181 – Thema „Wasser“

von | Aug. 18, 2014 | 16 Kommentare

Huhu es gibt eine neue Challenge auf “I am the Diva”, diesmal ist es ein Thema: Wasser.

Egal ob es die Farbe ist, oder ein Muster das dich an Wasser denken lässt oder etwas anderes, baue es in Dein Zentangle ein. Ich habe heute etwas länger dafür gebraucht und ich weiß auch noch nicht, ob ich so recht zufrieden bin mit meinem Ergebnis – aber hey, entspannend war es trotzdem 😉


Huhu there is a new Challenge on “I am the Diva”, this time it’s a theme: water.

Whether it is the color or pattern that makes you think of water or something else, build it into your Zentangle. I just got a bit longer for it today and I do not know if I‚m really satisfied with my result but hey, it was still relaxing 😉

Diva Challenge 181- Thema: Wasser

Diva Challenge 181- Thema: Wasser


16 Kommentare

  1. Omer

    Quite water, stormy waves. Nicely done !

  2. Antonine

    Beautiful tile! I know Bijou is enjoying the water.

  3. Donald W

    Great tile with a great sense of movement. Can almost feel the nice breeze adding to those waves. Like the sublte blue. Did you do this as a wash or is it colored pencil after?

    • Tina

      Hello Donald W,
      I do this as a wash after the line drawing.
      Thanks for your nice comment.

  4. Danni O'Brien, CZT

    I really enjoy your tile, it has a wonderful relaxing flow, and Bijou, what more is there to say?

  5. Susan Art

    Gorgeous. Lovely clean lines.

  6. LonettA

    Wunderbar! Toll wie die Wellen nach vorn ganz ruhig auslaufen! Süß auch die kleine Schnecke!

  7. Anoeska

    It is lovely! It makes me want to go to the beach!

  8. Annemarie

    Very lovely! Great chosen tangles.

  9. janice

    This is a very pretty and soothing tile.

  10. Jean Chaney

    Yes, this definitely has an ocean feel to it. I love the little snail (is it Bijou?) and the touch of blue.

  11. Kia

    lovely watery feeling

  12. Didisch

    Great tile. And sure looks like water. Little bijou joined too. Like it!


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