Gelbe Rose

von | Okt. 3, 2010 | 3 Kommentare

Diese Rose schaute mich an und bat um ein Foto. 😉
Ich fand dieses seitliche Gegenlicht sehr schön.


Gelbe Rose
Ursprünglich hochgeladen von tinaswelt


3 Kommentare

  1. bet365 italia

    Good day!This was a really impressive theme!
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    Also I learn much in your blog really thank your very much i will come later

  2. Loyd

    Hey! Is it alright that I go a bit off topic? I am trying to read your post on my Blackberry but it doesn’t display properly, any suggestions? Thanks in advance! Loyd

    • Tina

      Hi, I’m not familiar with Blackberry. The settings in my plugin are supported this device:
      blackberry9500, blackberry9520, blackberry9530, blackberry9550, blackberry9800
      Is yours here?


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