Zentangle für Diva Challenge 188

Diva Challenge #188 + Video

von | Okt. 7, 2014 | 17 Kommentare

In der Diva Aufgabe für diese Woche geht es um das Thema „LGBT“.

Ich habe das Thema etwas grober gefasst und für mich den Begriff „Liebe“ genommen und die Regenbogenfarben als Verbindung behalten.

Dieses Mal gibt es auch wieder ein Video zu meinem Bild 🙂


In the Diva task for this week the topic is LGBT“.

I have taken the issue a little rough for me and taken the term „love“ and keep the colors of the rainbow as a connection.

This time there’s also another video to my image 🙂


Zentangle für Diva Challenge 188

Zentangle für Diva Challenge 188


Video: Zentangle Zeichnung


17 Kommentare

  1. Anoeska

    I love how you interpret this theme. Great tile! And awesome video!

  2. Omer

    Beautiful tile. I love the „love“ 🙂
    And thank you (again) for the video. It provides a lot of guidance on creating such tiles. For example – I learned from it your nice technique of drawing with colored pencils and then going over it with a brush to get a water-color effect (yes, I know you need special-purpose colored pencils).

    Thank you !

  3. HeidiSue

    What a pretty tile, and I love the video, very instructive especially about how to apply the color first, then ink on top of it. Good work…

  4. Annie

    LOVE the tile and watching you draw it was fantastic! Great work. Axxx

  5. Anna Mayer

    Wunderschöne Zeichnung! Tolle Idee! Super Farben!
    Auch alle Deine Videos sind sehr schön!

  6. LonettA

    Wunderschön und sehr kreativ! Der regenbogenartige Hintergrund ist sehr schön. Und toll wie das Wort „LOVE“ durch die Fäden festgehalten wird! Schöne Idee!

  7. bmlilith

    I like your tile and the word love says it all.

  8. Ilse

    Nice tile, I love the way you keep the letters ‚in place‘ with these strings!

  9. Suzanne Fluhr

    Your lovely tile is true to this week’s theme. Unfortunately, the video didn’t come through on my mobile phone. 🙁

  10. Kia

    love you love and the colour – nice tile

  11. Annemarie

    I like your lovetile a lot.

  12. Nat Wout

    Beautiful ZIA. Love how you blended the colours in the background. And thaks for the video too, very helpful!

  13. Jean Chaney

    Very pretty colors and depiction of the word LOVE! I like those „straps“ holding the word in place too.

  14. David Hunter

    Love, your Love Tile, Tinas. Awesome design. Lovely use of ribbons to support the lettering. The use of water color pencils is very effective, not to mention lovely. Great design. I absolutely love your videos. Beautifully produced.


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