Diva Challenge 184 - Muster ING

Diva Challenge #184 – Muster ING + Video

von | Sep. 12, 2014 | 9 Kommentare

Auf der offiziellen Zentangle Seite wurde ein neues Muster vorgestellt: ING von Molly Holli Baugh – Dieses Muster ist auch die Aufgabe der 184. “I am the Diva” Challenge. Ich habe zu dem Muster und meinem Zentangle wieder ein Video für Dich aufgenommen. Ich hoffe, es gefällt Dir.

Dies ist mein Zentangle zur Challenge:


On the official Zentangle page, a new pattern was presented: ING von Molly Holli Baugh This pattern is also the task of the 184th “I am the Diva” Challenge. I have resumed a video for you to the pattern and my Zentangle. I hope you like it.

This is my Zentangle for the Challenge:


Diva Challenge 184 - Muster ING

Diva Challenge 184 – Muster ING


Video: Muster Anleitung

Video: Zentangle Zeichnung


9 Kommentare

  1. David Hunter

    Love your ING Tile. So clean and precise. Beautifully drawn design. Love the colorization. Your videos are so professional. Sharp and your drawing demonstrations so easy to follow. The Second video is the first one I’ve seen of complete coverage of a Challenge Tile being drawn. Wow you and your pen are one. Perfect line control and your auras are a wonder to see being drawn. Thanks for such a special post.

    • Tina

      Thank you very much David, you make me blush

  2. Nathalie

    Your tile is beautiful and the red is a nice touch. Quite lovely. Thank you for sharing the videos.

  3. Suzanne Fluhr

    Coincidentally, I’m looking at your tangle from Vienna, Austria this week—-even though I’m sad to say I can’t speak nor read German. I can’t look at the videos right now because I’m in a hotel room and my husband is sleeping. I don’t think he’d enjoy being awakened by a Zentangling video. However, I like what you came up with for this week’s challenge. It’s refreshing—not over the top.

  4. Omer

    Your ING tile is beautiful. The red is brilliant, and the supporting bubbles and circles – perfect to balance the ING.
    Thank you also for the videos, which are excellent demonstration and learning tools.

  5. Kia

    Nice ING and I love the way you have used the red.

  6. bmlilith

    Very pretty tangle and thank you for the videos.

  7. Donald W

    Nice tile. Like how you soften the lines of ING just a little and still maintaining the basic structure of the tangle. The red really makes it pop.

  8. Annemarie

    Wow, this ING is great with the red in it. And the bubbles make it swing.


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